Custom Workflow for University
Business Case
Initially having paper based system for the leave approval, children fees request, clearance report, visa request and 11 others. That need to be made automated for the girls and boys university separately for the employee of the university.

Products and Services used
- SharePoint workflow
- Web parts
- JQplot for graph report
Technical Objectives
In system there are 15 workflows and each workflow run individual. No decency between them. Every workflow has particular users and there are also specific stages in each workflow. Every workflow is developed using SharePoint designer 2013 and all workflows are state machine workflow.
PSSPL Solution
- SharePoint Online has been chosen as a platform to design and develop the new system. There can be several entities under one system; it can be a user or an organization.
- Admin can create several numbers of entities (i.e. user or organization) and can save their details and other confidential documents within the system. Documents can be managed category wise, sub-category wise, etc.
- A user can send emails with the confidential documents link.
- Certain amount of meta-data is attached with each document and reports are provided to the certain role of users for the same. Document reports can be generated for thousands of records. The meta-data visibility of the report is based on the role of the user. Export functionality is also provided under reports
- Reduced cost of operations
- Lesser paperwork
- Secure system

That is the best path to SharePoint for your organization? How do you know which applications to host in the SharePoint —and which SharePoint features are the best fit?

SharePoint has today become the most preferred platform for content, document and record management, business collaboration, intranet and extranet corporate portals, and many more opportunities.

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